Bharati Krishak Dhanalakshmi Multi State Agro Cooperative Society

Archives: Projects

Multiple Agri Beneficiary Plan

MULTIPLE AGRI BENEFICIARY PLANPlan MABP 1 - 6%MonthlyAmount DepositMonthly100012000123875000600006193310000120000123865Plan MABP 2 - 7%MonthlyAmount DepositMonthly10002400025772500012000012886110000240000257721Plan MABP 3 - 8.5%MonthlyAmount DepositMonthly10003600040927500018000020463310000360000409266Plan MABP 4 - 9%MonthlyAmount DepositMonthly10004800057518500024000028758810000480000575176Plan MABP 5 - 9.5%MonthlyAmount DepositMonthly10006000076216500030000038108110000600000762162 

Agri Beneficiary Scheme

AGRI BENEFICIARY SCHEME Plan ABS 1 - 9.5% Amount Deposit Monthly Mahila / Senior 100000 792 833 500000 3958 4167 1000000 7917 8333 Plan ABS 2 - 10% Amount Deposit Monthly Mahila / Senior 100000 833 875 500000 4167 4375 1000000 8333 8750 Plan ABS 3 - 10.5% Amount Deposit

Fixed Agri Beneficiary Plan

FIXED AGRI BENEFICIARY PLANPlan FABP 1 - 10% to 10.5%Amount DepositMaturityMahila / Senior100000110000110500500000550000552500100000011000001105000Plan FABP 2 - 10.5% to 11%Amount DepositMaturityMahila / Senior100000122103123210500000610573616050100000012210251232100Plan FABP 3 - 11% to 11.5%Amount DepositMaturityMahila / Senior100000136763138620500000683814693098100000013676311386196Plan FABP 4 - 11.5% to 12%Amount DepositMaturityMahila / Senior100000154561157352500000772804786760100000015456081573519Plan FABP 5 - 12% to 12.5%Amount DepositMaturityMahila / Senior100000176234180203500000881171901016100000017623421802032